Setsuban Kanri®: the management based on synchronized work-in-progress units
A Lean Thinking for PBEs
The so called Setsuban Kanri®technique ( synchronized process units based management system, is a managment technique originally developed as method to manage production in the shipbuilding industry in Japan. This approach makes it possible to synchronize the production plan as well as to pursuit the achievement of operational objectives in terms of compliance with the contractual dates, expected margins and quality of the supplies.
This method is particularly suitable for project based enterpries, whose production model can be one among Design-to-Order, Engineering-to-Order, Assembly-to-Order or Make-to-Order.
This technique applications are crosswise to industry and business size. Successful projects refer to machine tools, metal works, Oil & Gas, Energy, packaging lines, forging and many others.
The strength and effectiveness of this approach arise from the simplicity of its basic principle: a simultaneous control along two management “axes”: the job order one (x axis) and the working unit /department one (y axis) on a synchronized base and supported by a series of Visual Factory tools refined over the years and continuously improving thanks to the variety of applications in progress.
Soluzioni che utilizzano questa metodologia
Upgrade your service level
Make customers happy with no business performance decrease
Reduce the time-to-market
La richiesta del mercato impone tempi sempre più stretti, o quantomeno la garanzia di una gestione puntuale di progetto
QCD performance optimization in the development of new products
Migliorare la gestione dei fattori di Qualità, Costo e Tempo nell'innovation management
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