Monozukuri & Genba Empowerment Business Case Parade
Yokohama ( Japan ), Feb.15th 2019
Over 500 participants at the 6th edition of the Monozukuri Genba Empowerment Business Parade Office held in Yokohama on February 15th, All of them convened to listen, watch and acquire some relevant knowledge to feed and compare the improvement (kaizen) of the people and organization – notwithstanding how small or big it is.
Although it may appear that the improvement (both as a key concept and as a systematic application approach) is taken for granted by the Japanese companies whose management tradition it belongs by definition, the opportunities for meeting and confrontation open to the product manufacturing and service business companies are highly regarded in Japan.
The exceptional nature of the appointment “Monodzukuri – Genba Empowerment Case Parade” by JMAC has been strengthened by the keynote speaker, Mr. Luca Manuelli – Chief Digital Officer of Ansaldo Energia – who presented the path and the most significant policies followed by the company. Ansaldo has been managing the digital transformation as an advanced means of progress acceleration, an engine of operational improvement, not less than an arm for innovative training, growth and specialization of its resources.
che Ansaldo Energia è tra le sole 5 aziende selezionate quali pionieri ed esempi (aziende faro – Lighthouse plant) per i progetti Industria 4.0 dello Stato italiano, siamo stati particolarmente lieti che il suo intervento abbia raccolto il plauso delle molte rappresentanze di organizzazioni presenti come espositori, correlatori e auditorio.
Let us remind that Ansaldo Energia is among the bunch of 5 companies selected as leading organizations (lighthouse plants) for the Industry 4.0 projects of Italy. JMAC is deeply pleased that the speech by Mr Manuelli could be welcomed by the many representatives of organizations attending as exhibitors, speakers and audience.
Among the companies there (each significant for the part held in the fabric of Japanese and international business) let us mention Suntory Products, NEC Platforms, Mazda, Sekisui Chemical, Mitsubishi Chemical Corp., YKK AP Co., Bridgestone. In the presentation of IoT application cases that favor the activities of operational improvement (kaizen) in terms of waste reduction and increase in productivity (also associated with methodologies such as the TPM), interesting examples have been presented by Marubeni Corp., Shimada Electric and Panasonic Solution Technology Co., Ltd., without forgetting the MESH project of Sony Corporation, which also JMAC has been taking part by educational applications within the IoT Lab for experiential training programs.
Thanks to the specialists of the Life Cycle Engineering of Precision Engineering Society, the research and experimental application of high-level experts and academic partners was also well represented, who often engage in joint projects with enterprises in order to put in place as many technological applications to industrial processesas possible. The University of Tokyo (Graduate School of Engineering), along with Denso Corp, Ricoh and Nissan Motor, are just some of the most committed subjects that JMAC has been pleased to host on this stage.
A huge success we hope to turn into many opportunities of managerial and operational great results.
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