1 Mar, 2019 | Business development, Columns, Japan
…just accept and give up? When conducting employee awareness surveys with business organizations, one of the more often selected statement options to define the issue awareness is “Collaboration between departments is not good”. Some people say:...
26 Feb, 2019 | Columns, Events, Japan, News
FOODEX at JMA’s table dainties from all over the world At a new start the 44th edition of FOODEX Japan, operning from 5 to 8 March 2019 in Japan (Tokyo Makuhari Messe) as the most popular Asian food & beverage fair. 90 the countries represented, and many...
20 Feb, 2019 | Business development, Columns, Japan, News, Supply Chain Management, Trends
Environmental management and the eco-sustainability of industrial policies were common practice in Japan when – in 2004, JMAC published in Italian the book by Akira Koudate “Eco-Eco Management – sinergia tra Ecologia ed Economia nell’impresa” (Eco-Eco...
7 Feb, 2019 | Business development, Columns, Japan, Lean Sales, Lean Services, News, R&D, Strategy, Trends
On the wave of the “servitization” that crosses and affects the whole world, the most recent trend marked by the moves of some of the most famous Japanese manufacturing companies is the activation of subscription services. Many are launching structured...
16 Nov, 2018 | Business development, Columns, News, R&D
What generates innovation? by Masatoshi Matsuda – Senior Consultant, JMA Consultants Inc. We often talk about innovation with many meanings, areas of reference and implications. Une of the main contexts in which innovation has a primaryrole is company...