Intercultural management strategies

Acknowledge and manage cultural difference for seamless and effective teamwork

Intercultural business strategies and operations

It is believed that the long-standing process of globalization, encouraged by the evolution of ICT technologies, has led to the disappearance of distance, regardless of whether this may refer to the phisical or the cultural distance as well. As a matter of fact, even where people are collaborating in the same room, it is not uncommon that they do not understand each other or that their communication is not effective for reasons related to cultural diversity more than due to language.

In the course of our own experience we have been learning that even if motivated by the same objectives and values, the members of a work / project group obtain greater and easier success if they are aware of the sensitivities and paradigms of thought that cause reactions. These can highly affect relationships and trust (e.g.: a full or poor availability to listen, behave, support), and as a consequence can be relevant to decision making as well as operational results in our job.

Many studies have shown that an education about intercultural aspects can become in any professional sphere a resource to manage and optimize people and business assets like skills, time, energies. For this purpose JMAC provides a mindful support to the recognition of the drivers that define the major aspects of diversity and promotes with examples taken from the daily business life the strategies that everyone can put in place to dampen the effects of confrontation, rupture or dissatisfaction, and achieve objectives as common success.

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di miglioramento.


Ritmo e struttura

Ritmo e struttura

Milano, ottobre 2018 – Architetture che partono da forme di pensiero assai diverse tra loro. Per conciliarle, come per discuterle, occorre considerare la chiave di informazione su cui lavora il pensiero altrui e quindi sapere anzitutto ascoltare.