Chi governa il know-how

Chi governa il know-how

Un ufficio che gestisce il processo di miglioramento continuo, inducendo l’intera organizzazione a viverlo in modo molto concreto a partire dalle attività dei singoli, può generare auto-apprendimento a tutti i livelli Nelle imprese italiane si sta diffondendo...
Toshiba Tec Corporation – Parte 2

Toshiba Tec Corporation – Parte 2

By converting to ‘Technological starting point’, they further enrich their ideas. This is where the third approach started with JMAC support. In the approach of (3) “Technological starting point”, they gathered the information on promising technologies in...
Toshiba Tec Corporation – Parte 1

Toshiba Tec Corporation – Parte 1

“New business development is “Sen-Mitsu”. It is Japanese saying which means 3 (Mits) out of 1,000 (Sen) will succeed. There are the researchers who continue to challenge in such world. They are the members of Toshiba TEC’s “Future Create Activity”. What method did...
Toshiba Tec Corporation

Toshiba Tec Corporation

“New business development is “Sen-Mitsu”. It is Japanese saying which means 3 (Mits) out of 1,000 (Sen) will succeed. There are the researchers who continue to challenge in such world. They are the members of Toshiba TEC’s “Future Create Activity”....
Casappa Shanghai

Casappa Shanghai

Overcoming Cultural Barriers and Increasing Organizational Strength through Managerial Reforms – Italy: Parlaying Success in Our Chinese Business to a Global Expansion – After Casappa entered the market in Shanghai, China, in 2005, unique Chinese cultural...


FOODEXJMA ospita il mondo a tavolaJMA rinnova dal 5 all’ 8 marzo 2019 l’appuntamento con la fiera asiatica del food & beverage più frequentata, cui da sempre partecipa seguitissima una nutrita rappresentanza della produzione e della distribuzione...